Baruch Spinoza | January 5, 1919 | Spinoza writes on Mediumship. |
Helen Padgett | January 5, 1919 | Helen confirms the previous message on Mediumship. |
Francis Bacon | January 6, 1919 | A message of insight on Spirit identification. |
Jesus | January 12, 1919 | Jesus teaches on sharing the Truths. |
Helen Padgett | January 12, 1919 | Helen informs James of the importance of receiving Jesus’ messages. |
Robert Owen | February 11, 1919 | Robert comments on Spiritualism. |
Job | February 19, 1919 | Job comments a book James is reading, is devoid of Divine Love teachings. |
Helen Padgett | February 19, 1919 | Helen explains that James has been looked after by Spirits. |
John | February 19, 1919 | John explains the difference of Divine Love and Natural Love. |
Jesus | March 3, 1919 | Jesus tells James, how James spent the day with dark Spirits and was not happy. |
Emerson | March 6, 1919 | A perfect Natural Love Spirit communicates. |
Luke | March 9, 1919 | A commentary on the errors of a modern Spiritual Movement of the day. |
John | March 12, 1919 | The True meaning of "In the beginning was the word and the word was with God". |
Ann Rollins | March 12, 1919 | Ann writes on the importance of knowing the Way to the Celestial Kingdom. |
Helen Padgett | March 13, 1919 | Helen confirms previous messages adding that Lincoln is with Divine Love. |
Abraham Lincoln | March 13, 1919 | A discourse on perfect Laws in Natural Love. |
George Butler | March 15, 1919 | Thanking James for I have now seen the light. |
John Rogers | March 23, 1919 | An unhappy Spirit asks James for help. |
Jesus | April 7, 1919 | Jesus teaches that God is Soul. |
Jesus | April 8, 1919 | Jesus teaches not to have doubts. |
John Richards | April 13, 1919 | A commentary on Mrs. Kate’s Séance. |
Helen Padgett | April 13, 1919 | Helen comments on Mr. Richard’s message. |
John Johnson | April 18, 1919 | Comments on the book James is reading. |
Helen Padgett | April 18, 1919 | Helen confirms that a beautiful Spirit wrote previous message. |
Helen Padgett | April 19, 1919 | Helen comments on the themes of the book James is reading. |
Helen Padgett | April 23, 1919 | Helen comments on a sick man. |
Arbelee | April 24, 1919 | The father of the sick man writes of his love for his son. |
Helen Padgett | April 24, 1919 | Helen confirms that the father wrote of his sick son. |
Helen Padgett/Mary Kennedy | April 26, 1919 | Helen and Mary write to their soulmates again. |
Helen Padgett | May 11, 1919 | Helen comments on the Preacher’s Sermon of a Spiritual Movement of the day. |
Francis Bacon | May 26, 1919 | Francis on the continuity of life after death. |
Helen Padgett | May 26, 1919 | Helen confirms that Francis Bacon wrote. |
Jesus | June 15, 1919 | Jesus teaches on The Divine Love and that a modern Spiritual Movement of the day does not teach the Truth of Divine Love. |
Spencer | June 18, 1919 | Comments on the significance of these messages of Divine Truth reaching mankind. |
Jesus | October 18, 1919 | Jesus teaches on the knowledge of Divine Love. |