November 8th, 1917.
Received by James Padgett
Washington D.C.
I am here, Father Williams.
I am the priest that visited your friend last night, and I was very aggressive and insulting; but now I wish to apologize, for I have learned that he knew a great deal more about things of the spirit world than I thought possible, and more than I knew myself.
Of course, if he will consider for a moment my position and the fact that for many long years I entirely believed what I professed, and also felt it my duty to God and to my church to defend the doctrines of the church, he may understand why I was so vehement and looked upon him as a foe to truth and a dangerous man to the followers of the church and to all that we believed in as sacred and holy.
Now I must confess that I see some things in a little different light, and am not so certain as to some of the positions assumed by the church, in its teachings as to the destiny of men in the spirit world.
I should like very much to talk to him again and ask him some questions respecting the position that he took, and this not for the purpose of controversy, but to learn his explanations of some of the things that he asserted.
So, if he will tolerate me for a while, I will be greatly obliged.
(Is now writing through Mr. Morgan.)
I want to ask you a question, and that is, how you came to know of the things you asserted to be the great truths that are necessary to be understood in order to obtain salvation.
(Mr. Morgan has enabled Father Williams to visualize a bright spirit.)
I saw him.
I am very much surprised at your statement. You are indeed fortunate. I am satisfied with your explanation and shall endeavor to profit by it. I am not as vicious as you may suppose, but I thought I was but doing my duty in trying to protect my people from one whom I believed was the emissary of the devil. I now see my error, and am thankful that you were so patient in enduring my abuse as you were.
I am, as I said, satisfied with your explanations, and from now on shall endeavor to become as the bright spirit with whom you brought me in contact.
You must not think unkindly of me; for I now realize what a great service you have rendered me. I will now go.
Your friend, the once Father Williams