A dark Spirit gives a personal account of his condition.

February 8th, 1917

Received by:James Padgett

Washington D.C.

I am here, Nathan PIummer.

Let me say a word now. I am not his mother and can’t write as his mother does, but I am grateful too, for I now have some hope and a part of the cause is what he told me while on earth. He may not realize just how the things that he said to me may have this effect. But they have, for when the spirits of his friends told me of what I may hope for if I will only believe and try to get the love that they told me of then I think of what he said to me and it becomes so much easier to believe what these spirits tell me.

I wish I could write longer but I must stop. I am hoping and some light has come to me and I am following Forrest, who I know was as great sinner as I was, and now a very beautiful sinner. I am commencing to learn some of those heavenly things in hell but it is hard, as I said.

Your old friend,

Nathan Plummer


I used to talk to Nathan Plummer when he was on earth, of the great importance of praying to the Heavenly Father to fill his soul with His Divine Love and he remembered what I told him. Forrest knew him when they both were on earth and were in darkness and suffering after they passed into the hells. Forrest wrote Mr. Padgett and his band helped Forrest to progress and pray for Divine Love and obtained it and he became so much brighter. When Plummer saw the great change in Forrest’s appearance, he asked how it was he was so much brighter in his spirit body. Then Forrest told him that he had written through Padgett for help and asked to meet a bright spirit that belonged to Padgett’s band, and Forrest told Plummer that these bright spirits told him to pray for the Divine Love and some of this Love had come into his soul, shining through his spirit body, that made the great change in his appearance.

Plummer was so surprised to see this great change in Forrest’s appearance and as Plummer wrote Padgett he knew what a great sinner Forrest was on earth. He then realized if Forrest could get out of the hells there was hope without doubt, and it caused Plummer to seek by earnest prayer for the Divine Love and Plummer did and that enabled him to progress out of the dark condition into a brighter sphere.

As this message was written 47 years ago, I have no doubt both Plummer and Forrest must now be above the seventh sphere in the Celestial Heavens, where these Celestial Spirits are seeking and obtaining the Divine Love in increased progression nearer and nearer to the fountainhead of the Father with the consciousness of the certainty of Immortality.

Written by Dr. L. R. Stone