A family message to the Dr.

March 6th, 1916.

Received by:James Padgett.

Washington D.C.

I am here, Mother:

I am here, the mother of the boy who is sitting close to you. I am so glad that I have the opportunity to write to him, for, while it has really not been a great while since I wrote him, yet, it seems so to me, and I have so much love for him, and desire so much to tell him so. I am very happy both on account of my own condition, and because I see that there is developing in his soul the great love of the Father in greater and greater abundance. He may not realize this to the full extent, but it is true and I am able to see it and rejoice that it is so.

His father is also very happy, and is progressing and is now in condition to soon make sure his coming to me, where we can be together, without any necessary separation.His father says – that he is with his son quite often and is trying to encourage him, and cause him to believe that his earthly affairs will continue to grow better as they will.

His sisters are here and also send their love and want him to know that they are very happy, notwithstanding that they see that another brother on earth is not in that condition of soul development, that they so earnestly pray for, but they have great hope that at sometime very soon he will have an awakening, that will cause him to turn his thoughts to the higher things of life, and seek the love of the Father, which is waiting for him to ask for.

While we all feel the great want of spirit progression that our brother lacks, and that he is not very happy and is doing those things that tend to turn him away from the things that would make him happy, and more in accord with the Will of the Father, and also that he really suffers at times because of his soul condition, yet, we are not really unhappy, because we know it is only for a season, and that sooner or later our prayers and influence will have their effect, and he will realize that there is something more to live for, as well as die for, than the mere material things of earth.

Well, I do not know that I should write more tonight especially as there is a girl here who is very impatient to write, and who is almost selfish in her desires to tell her Leslie as she calls him, that she loves him more and more.

So thanking you I will say goodnight.

With all my love to my son, and thanks to you I will say –

I am his mother