Confirmation that Jesus loves James Padgett.

December 17th, 1914.

Received by James Padgett.

Washington D.C.

I am here, your Grandmother:

You are certainly blessed and favored. It was Jesus and he was so loving and gracious that I hardly know what to say. But of this you can rest assured, you will never be without his love and help. He certainly loves you to a degree that is beyond my comprehension. You seem to be so close to him that I wonder at your great fortune. Only believe in his love and he will never forsake you. When he told you that your worries would soon leave you, he knew and you can rest assured that you will soon be rid of them. He is so wonderfully grand and lovely, that I wonder that you could have attracted him to you in the way that you have. Be a true follower and you will soon realize that what he told you will come to pass. He is not only lovely, but he is powerful to do what he said; and you seem to have his love to a degree that we do not possess. I don’t know why, but it is so. And you must believe it to be true. You are my own dear boy and we all love you so very much, that when you are given so much love of the Master, we all rejoice and thank God.

Question and answer.

Yes, he was the real Jesus and you must not doubt it, for to doubt is to show that you are not loving him as you said you wanted to. He will show you by his treatment of you and your happiness in his love that he is the one that was crucified as he said.

Be my own true son and believe and everything will be yours for the asking. He can help you beyond all conception, if you will only believe and call upon him for his assistance.

I am not going to write more as you are tired.

Question and answer.

Yes wonderful. He (Mr Riddle) is now seeing that prayer is the only thing that can help him and he is praying and listening to the advice of your mother and father. He is much changed since you wrote him, and I believe that he will soon be able to understand what it is to have the love of God in his soul.

So let your prayer go to God for him as we all are doing.

Your Grandmother

Ann Rollins