July 7th, 1917
Received by James Padgett.
Washington D.C.
I am here, your grandmother:
Well my dear son, it has been sometime since I last wrote to you and I will write a few lines and although I have not written, I have been with you, loving and sympathizing with you in your troubles and trying to help you.
I am so sorry that you have had the experience of the past few days and know that you have suffered from the same, and that everything has appeared to you very gloomy and disheartening, and that even now you are worrying about the material conditions that surround you and see no hope for the immediate future.
Well, my dear one, what you are experiencing has been the experience of many mortals and will be of many more, for such disappointment belongs to the mortal life. Yet you must remember this that very few mortals have had the loving close influence of high spirits in their troubles that you have had and are now having and have had to have their burdens intensified by the evil influences of spirits of the dark planes. So you see, you have been fortunate in this particular and will be in the future, and you must try to believe in the greater faith that such is your fortunate position.
We all understand what your worries have been and we have tried to help you and to remove the causes, but as we have told you before we are not omnipotent in these material affairs and cannot absolutely control these things although we have a greater influence than you can conceive of with mortals as regards their actions, as the result of these influences.
I cannot foretell just what will happen or when, but we know the existence of some and the effects and we try to make conditions that will bring certain effects, and this we have been doing with reference to your material affairs, and very soon I am certain you will be relieved of your present troubles as John has written you. Pray and have faith in us and you will find your condition of spirit and mind much bettered.
As you know, I love you very much and want you to be happy and free from worries, and if I did not honestly believe that you will soon be, I would not tell you so. You have behind you a wonderful power working for your good, both spiritually and materially and if you will only follow our advice you will find yourself much benefitted. No matter how gloomy things may look to you, pray and try to have faith and the gloom will not last or find its lodgment in your mind.
I would like to write you a long letter tonight, but you are not just in condition to receive such a letter. So my dear son, think of what has been written and make the endeavor to let your spiritual condition dominate your feelings and conditions that arise from your depressions and despondency of mind. You can do it if you will pursue the way suggested to you, and happiness will come to you.
I will not write more now but with all my love say pray and believe and trust in what we tell you. May this love of the Father flow into your heart in greater and greater abundance until all worry shall leave you.
Your loving grandmother.