Helen affirms her great love for James, her soulmate.

April 12th, 1915.

Received by James Padgett.

Washington D.C.

I am here, Helen:

It was the Master. I want to tell you of my love for you, as I promised. Well, because I have not lately said very much about my love, and have let others write a great deal, you must not think that I do not love you as much as formerly, for I love you a great deal more as I told you a few nights ago.

As my love for the Father increases and I receive more of his love in my heart, the more and deeper love I have for you, and I can only try to tell it to you. I am not able to find words sufficient to do so, for words cannot convey to you my feelings of love and happiness.

Oh, Ned, I never thought when on earth that there could exist such love as I have for you now, and I never thought that I could love you as I do now. But I do love you with all the capacity of my developed soul and feel that I am yours for all eternity. No one can understand what this love means, who has not received it in his heart, and no one can know the happiness that it brings when once such love becomes a part of him, until he has actually experienced it. I am waiting patiently, I hope, for the time to come when you will be with me and share my home and joys. I am now in such a state of happiness that nothing that can possibly happen can in any way take from one that happiness or diminish my love for you. I sympathize with you in all your troubles, but I know that they are only for a season, and that in a very short time, comparatively speaking, they will pass away and you will be free to turn all your thoughts to me, and love me as your own, and only true soulmate. I will not attempt to tell you what it will all mean to you and to me, but I assure you that in your moments when my love overshadows and fills your soul, as it does at times, you catch only a faint glimpse of what is here waiting for you. So, do not let yourself worry or doubt that I love you with a love greater than you can possible imagine can exist.

Well, sweetheart, I must stop now as another wishes to write some.

(I asked if Mr. M. has a guardian angel and soulmate).

Yes he has both. His guardian angel is his mother, who is a very happy and beautiful spirit, filled with the Love of God, and who watches over him with such tenderness and love. She is now trying to influence him to give his thoughts to higher things, and to let doubts of the future and the possibilities awaiting him flee from him. She certainly does love her boy, and if he only knew what hours and days she spends with him overshadowing him with her love and beautiful thoughts, he would thank God for such a mother.

I do not believe that she will ever cease praying until he fully realizes the great truth that a man never dies; and that when he passes from the earth life to the spirit life, she will be waiting for him, ready to take him into her arms and loving care as she did when he was a very small boy.

She says that he never knew very much of her mother’s love and protection, and that for that very reason she has for so long a time been so anxious for the time to come, when he will know and realize that he has a mother with so much love for him, that he will wonder how she can love him so much.

She is with him and tries to make him feel her presence and sometimes she succeeds, and he feels very happy, but does not know the cause. She is trying to help him see that there is something more of life than this mere earthly existence, and that when the time comes for him to leave his mortal body, there is another body which will show itself to him, and which will live forever in a world where, if he will only make the effort to find, he will find happiness and love beyond his conception.

Tell him that his mother is closer to him now than she possibly could have been had she remained a mortal, because she knows all his troubles and times of loneliness and aspiration for better and higher things. She will come sometime and write him a letter and tell him of her great love for him.

She says: “Bless my boy and keep him in ways of happiness and truth, of Father of Love”!

Well, as to his soulmate, I have not thought of finding her, but I will do so and let you know.

I am your own true and loving,
