Helen confirms the Master wrote and was with James.

January 6th, 1918.

Received by James Padgett

Washington D.C.

I am here, Your own true and loving, Helen.

Well dear, I am very happy tonight, and that because of your condition of soul in the Father’s love. You are nearer the Father than you have ever been, and His love is now more shed abroad in your heart than ever before; and the Master was so glad that you opened up your soul by your longings and meditation tonight.

Many of the holy spirits are here tonight and united with you in your prayers to the Father, and the Love was bestowed in great abundance. How blessed you are and how happy you should be for you have a realization of the Love in your soul. I know the Master is also pleased that the rapport is now so perfect, and you may expect a long message from him, and many of them. And so do the other spirits rejoice now that they realize that soon they will be able to write. As the Master wrote you, meditate, and long and pray.

The spirit who wrote is one that I have never seen here before, that I am aware of; and she is a most beautiful and radiant spirit, and has her home in the high spheres of the Celestial Heavens. She says her name is Elizabeth and John tells me that she is the Elizabeth of the Bible, the cousin of Mary, the mother of Jesus. She is filled with the love and seemed so anxious to write you about the Father’s love and how close you are tonight to Him.

Well dear, I will not write more now, for it is not best to do so, as you are in that condition when you can commune with the Father, and I want you to let your thoughts go to Him with all the longings that your soul is capable of.

We will remain with you as you sit and meditate and unite with you in your prayers.

So my dear, dear husband, love the Father with all your soul tonight.

Good night.

Your own true and loving, Helen