Helen confirms the three previous messages and that the fellow is seeking his soulmate.

January 19th, 1917.

Received by:James Padgett

Washington D.C.

I am here, Your Own True and Loving Helen:

Well, dear, I see that you are tired and must not write more; but I want to say that you must think of the message that John wrote you, for it is a very important one and means much to you as will as to us and our work. He was all kindness and love when he wrote, and so much wants you to follow his advice, and I know you will.

Laura wrote and told you the fact about meeting her soulmate. They are very happy and are both seeking for greater inflowing of the Divine Love, for which I am so very glad.

I have not seen him, and hence of my own knowledge can’t tell you, but she should know the fact, and of course would only write you the truth. I don’t see how she could be mistaken.

Well, the last spirit is very anxious to meet his soulmate, but I think I will keep him on the anxious bench for a little while, for he is not altogether in the proper condition; and if he has to worry a little before he meets her it may do him some good. He is a very decent sort of spirit, and I have no doubt will love his soulmate very much; but yet some of his thoughts must change before I bring him to her.

Yes, she has made considerable progress, and is a quite loving spirit. She has not yet gotten into the Third Sphere, but she is seeking the Love very earnestly and before a great while will be there. I have taken a special interest in her on account of Mr. Colburn, and I have told her of him and that he is her soulmate, and she is with him quite often. And having seen the Doctor’s Mary write him, she is very anxious to write Mr. Colburn. She now realizes fully that her earth husband is not her soulmate, and that the love which she had for him is a very different kind from what has come to her for Mr. Colburn. The latter is now absorbing her and the former is now a mere recollection of kind thoughts and good wishes for the happiness of her husband. And these thoughts do not in the least interfere with the greater and only decreed love that has come to her.

As I say, she is anxious to write him, and very soon she shall have the opportunity.

I suppose he would like to know her name while on earth and I will give it now, though she says give only her maiden name, for she says that the only true marriage for her is the one with Mr. Colburn, and she wants to come to him with all recollection of her earth matter obliterated. Well, her name was Nellie Robinson, and she lived in the state of New York close to the city of Buffalo. She was a village girl and never saw much of city life; and for his gratification she says tell him that her mortal life was as pure and undefiled as pure thoughts and rather spiritual nature would make it.

But I will not write more now about her, and will leave her to tell her own story and do her own love-making. But say to Mr. Colburn that he is fortunate in having such a beautiful girl for his spirit bride, and I am glad that it is so.

I must not write more now. My own dear Ned, I love you with all my heart and soul, and will say goodnight.

Give me my kiss and soon go to bed.

Your own true and loving
