February 23rd, 1918.
Received by James Padgett.
Washington D.C.
I am here, Your own true and loving, Helen:
Well my dear husband, I am so glad that the Master has written you, and that the rapport has been reestablished so that he can continue the delivery of his messages, for as he said; they, the spirits, are all very anxious to do the work.
I was with you tonight and besides me were the Master and your special guardian, John, and we were all watching the impressions made upon your mind by the preachers; and saw that what he said which was contrary to the truths that you have received, made no impression upon your beliefs, except that you desired to be able to tell him of his errors. I will not refer to the occasion further as the Master has written you fully on the subject, and you realize that he corroborates what I said a short time ago in regard to the good that the preacher is doing.
I am glad that you are in much better condition of soul and are able to realize more and more the existence of the love in your soul and the fact of your increased nearness to the Father. This makes us all very happy, and we know that you will now be able to do your work with greater rapidity and receive therefrom a wonderful happiness. Continue to pray to the Father, and turn your thoughts to these spiritual things, and think of the great responsibility that is resting upon you.
I will soon come and write you a real long letter of love, and I know you will feel that love surrounding you in great abundance. Many spirits are here tonight and rejoice that the rapport has been reestablished. I love you as you know and want you to love me, and you will not be happier than I when you come into possession of the surroundings that you desire as you so often depict them in your mind’s eye. Have faith and you will not be disappointed, and you need not fear the judgment that comes to all men after death. I will not write more now.
May you be happier as the days go by. Goodnight.
Your own true and loving,