Helen writes on the importance of the equality of the sexes.

June 3rd, 1916.

Received by James Padgett.

Washington D.C.

I am here, Your own true Helen.

Well, my dear one, you have had a message from Josephus, that may be considered a women’s rights argument, and I have no doubt that womankind will agree with him, especially as to his prediction as to what the future of women will be.

This may be all true, and the predictions may come to pass. I don’t know. But this I do know: that as regards the Divine Love of the Father and the conditions in the Celestial Heavens, there is no distinction made between the man and the woman, except as the individual soul development makes the distinction. And when you consider the further fact that the two parts of the one soul, represented by the male and the female, must, in order to make the perfect one, become united in perfect harmony, you can readily understand that there will be no superiority of one over the other, but that both must be equal, not only in love and the nature of the Divine, but in every other quality that may exist.

So in my opinion, instead of women and men thinking about women’s rights and such matters, they should devote their thoughts and aspirations to obtaining the Divine Love in their souls, with the certain knowledge that as they obtain it in equal degrees they will become not only the equal of one another, but will become so very equal that they will exist as one, though in two individual forms and personalities.

But, of course, I recognize the importance of the equality of both being recognized on earth, for the purposes of earthly existence. Yet, mankind will find that as this Love of the Father enters more into souls of men, or even as the natural love becomes more purified, the rights of women as to things material will become recognized without the enactment of any laws declaring the equality of the sexes. For love is an equalizer more powerful than any laws that man can make.

But I will not write more on this subject, for when love comes it will not be necessary that law shall declare the equality, as that love will, of itself, make them so in harmony that inequality cannot exist.

Well, I intended to write You a long letter tonight, but as others have written and it is late, I will not try.

Your own true and loving
