Is frustrated that he cannot write his own name, and will seek out help from Mr. Riddle, the General is humbled.

October 19th, 1915.

Received by James Padgett.

Washington D.C.

I am here, General S____ (can’t write name)

No, it seems not – how strange.

(White Eagle: He says his name was General Sherman and that he wants to write a letter.)

Well, I tried to write my name, but I could not – what do you think was the cause? Why, damn it, I have written my name more times than there are stars in the heavens, and yet I was not able to write it here. Well, that is what I called war – hell. I don’t mean to be profane, but the idea, that I could not write my name….

Well, as Grant and I are very close friends here, as we were on earth, I thought that as he wrote a letter I would like to do so also. Just as he said about himself, I say, I am in some darkness and suffering – paying the penalties of my evil deeds on earth, and for what I neglected to do in the way of performing my duties when I had so many to perform, and so many opportunities.

I am in the same sphere with him, but he is in a higher plane, and is not in such darkness as I am. I am not a Christian yet, but hope to be sometime, as I have some dear friends here who are, and they are trying to persuade me to become a Christian; but as you may not know, I never could be persuaded on earth, and it is difficult to be persuaded here.

I am enjoying this new experience in writing to you, and to me this is very surprising, but is very satisfactory. I wonder how such a thing can be. I have attended seances when my earth friends have attended, and have tried to make myself known to them and to some extent have succeeded, but not in the way that I am doing now. I am afraid that if you are not careful I shall steal on you and write many times so that you will wish that I had never come.

Well, my dear boy, I am certainly glad that you recalled these reminiscences. Of course, with all the people that I met in those days, I cannot remember you, as we only had a passing handshake, but I am certainly glad that you recalled those times, and more glad that I can be with you now; and things will be reversed now, for I will be the one who will not forget, while you, considering the great number of spirits who come to you to write, and the great number who are around you ready to write, I hardly expect that you will find time to give me much thought.

Well, I don’t quite understand you, but if you can show me the way to obtaining such a condition of soul and such a degree of happiness, I will certainly accept your kind offer, and will try my best to follow your advice. But really, I don’t see how you can accomplish this.

Yes, I remember Riddle very well, and he was a very dear friend of mine, but why do you ask that question? Is he involved in the redemption of me? He was a very dear friend, but I doubt that he can do what you seem to imply.

I have done as you advised, and I must confess my surprise to see Riddle in the band that you speak of – and what a beautiful and bright spirit he is. How in the world did he get in that condition, when on earth he was somewhat like myself – a free thinker – and cussed sometimes. But I must speak to him and learn what it means. Well, I have been introduced to your grandmother, and what a glorious spirit she is! I never before saw such spirits. They must live in spheres far above where I live.

Riddle says I am the same old, rough, wicked Sherman, and wants me to go with him, and I will go, and I will not forget to request a few words with your grandmother.

I will ask him (R.G.Ingersoll) now, and he seems so beautiful and bright. too. What does it mean? Ingersoll says it means that he has become a believer in the Great Love of the Father and is a follower of Jesus Christ. What a surprise and what a change in Ingersoll.

My friend, I cannot write more as I am all upset by what I have seen and heard; so excuse me, I will say good night.

Your friend,

Wm. T. Sherman