September 13th, 1915.
Received by James Padgett.
Washington D.C.
I am here, Helen:
Well, sweetheart, you are very sleepy and must go to bed. But I must tell you how I enjoyed the conversation which you and Dr. Stone had tonight in the park. The spiritual influence around you was great and working to do you both good.
Mary was there and she was enjoying the conversation as much as I and was trying to make the Doctor feel her presence as I was you. What a wonderful thing this love of the Father is and how glad I am that you have it to the extent that you have.
Yes, Samuel was there and so were your band and some of the apostles, all enjoying the ideas which you both expressed. We could see the workings of your brain and souls and we tried to impress you with the truth and make you realize fully the many sayings of the Bible as well as what has been written to you by us, dealing with the subjects that you were discussing.
So how happy you ought to be to know that you have with you so often so many of the higher spirits of “Light and Truth”.
I will not write longer tonight.
So with all my love,
I amYour own true loving