January 27th, 1918.
Received by James Padgett.
Washington D.C.
I am here, John:
No, I cannot write tonight as I expected and am disappointed that you are not in condition for me to make the rapport. It seems that you are not inclined to receive my messages as you were at one time, although you say that you are ready to receive the writings. But your mere intellectual willingness is not sufficient, for my messages are those which do not come from the human intellect, but from the intellect of the soul, and in order that they may be received it is necessary that your soul shall be, in some degree, in harmony with mine. I could easily write you of things of the material or even of the spirit heavens, but it is impossible for me to use your brain to convey these spiritual soul truths unless your soul is developed into a harmony with mine.
To explain this was the object of my unfinished message, and as I desired to explain the laws controlling the communication and rapport of the celestial spirits with the mortal, and your soul not having the required condition, I was unable to finish my message. I have written you before on this subject, and all that I can say now is, think of the importance of this matter and the responsibility resting upon you. Remember the advice of Elias, and follow it. As soon as you are in condition I will come and write.
Your brother in Christ,