James writes in favor of Dr. Stone and is his Spirit guide.

October 28th, 1915

Received by James Padgett.

Washington D.C.

I am here, James:

I will write only a few lines tonight, as conditions are not very good, for you are tired and have been working too much to permit us to make a very close rapport.

I want to say that today I have been with you and my charge (Dr. Stone) a part of the time, and heard your conversation, and was pleased to hear your conversation, and was pleased to hear you both express yourselves so strongly with reference to the truths that you have received; and you will not be disappointed when the time comes for belief to become an experience.

The truths are not to be refuted by any preaching or teachings, or any reference to the Bible, that are contrary to these truths. And I here declare to you that the only way to the Celestial Spheres is by the way of the New Birth, as it has been explained to you.

I also desire to encourage the mortal to whom I have attached myself especially (Dr. Stone), and assure him that I am with him very often and impress him with thoughts that will make him realize more and more that only the truth that he has knowledge of will fit him for the work that is before him to perform, and that he must endeavor to increase his faith so that his beliefs will become things of real substance, for they are real, and when he gets in that condition and attempts his work, what will appear real to him will, in fact, be real, and so real that other mortals will know the benefits that arise from their reality.

I will not write more now. So with my love, I will say good night.

Your brother in Christ,


Apostle of Jesus