May 7th, 1916.
Received by James Padgett.
Washington D.C.
I am here, Jesus:
I come tonight to tell you that tomorrow night I will deliver my message and I will not disappoint you and I hope that you will be in condition to receive it. Tonight you are in very good condition and I would write tonight but its rather late to commence as it will take some little time to transmit the message and I desire it to be done when you have plenty of time and not quite so tired physically as you are tonight.
You have had a pleasant evening with your daughter and your soul condition is in a very well developed state and you have much love in your heart.
If you will only pray more and let your thoughts turn more to things spiritual. You will continue in this state of soul perception and be able to receive my message as I may come to you. I will try to make my message as plain and convincing as possible and I think you will be much benefitted by it.
I am with you more than you think trying to help you and encourage you in your work and business and as you see, things are getting better, only give your attention to your business and it will increase and you will get in condition that will cause your worries to leave you.
I love you as an elder brother and a spirit who knows what love means and you must have faith in me and think of me and my nearness to you.
Yes, I will be with her and help her and protect her from evil and try to make her happy. She is very happy tonight and is commencing to love you as a daughter and very soon you will see the differences in her affections and demonstration of her love. You will soon be together in your home and then you will both be happy in keeping up your courage and have faith and all these things that you desire will become yours.
I will not write more tonight.
Question and Answer:
Yes, she is very mediumistic and I think it advisable to take her to the seance for it will convince her that there is truth in spiritualism and she will then commence to think more of the subject and soon become thoroughly convinced and the power will develop itself in her and will work to her good.
So with my love and blessings, I will say goodnight.
Your brother and friend,