March 16th, 1917.
Received by:James Padgett
Washington D.C.
I am here, Jesus.
Keep up your courage and believe, and all things that I have promised will come to you, and you will not be disappointed. You are now in better condition than you were, and soon I will come and write another message; and as I see that you think my message on the nature of God had better be rewritten, I will take that theme for my subject. Yes, I understand, and it is my desire that I rewrite the message. As you are in better condition to receive it than you were when I wrote before, I know that it will be very satisfactory for the purposes for which it was written.
So, as I say, believe, and I will not leave you alone or fail to do what I have promised. Well, when you suggested to me to write on that subject (the soul) you were not in such receptive condition as to take the message in the form and meaning that I intended to convey. It is a very difficult subject to write on, and I wanted you to be in the best possible condition. I am satisfied at the way in which you received it, and if I find that it needs any amendment I will make it before you publish the book.
Yes, I know, and you will soon be in that condition, and then I know that the work will proceed faster. Yes, as you say, the world is ready to receive these truths, and the people are longing for some knowledge that will show them the true way to the Father.
Well, I am sorry, too, but he (Eugene Morgan) must wait a while. He has been selected, and his mission is definite, and it makes no difference whether he receives any messages or not. That is not a part of his work in the great plan, and he must not let his faith fail him, for his work will be wonderful, and one that many of the world would give their lives, as it is said, to be selected to do. His work will be very important and he is being prepared, notwithstanding his disappointment that you speak of, as to material things; and I say to him with the authority of one who knows, that he must believe and wait and pray, and he will not be disappointed; for we never forsake our own who trust us.
Well, I must stop now, but remember what I have said, and say to your friends that I am their brother and friend, and that they are very close and very dear to me, and my chosen ones; and in my Father’s Kingdom their places will not be filled by others.
So, with my love, I will say good-night.
Your brother and friend,