Jesus confirms Paul’s message on Resurrection.

January 16th, 1916

Received by:James Padgett.

Washington D.C.

I am here, Jesus.

I am pleased that Paul was able to write you so successfully as he did upon the two subjects which I know will prove to be interesting to you and the one that Paul wrote about is very vital to the beliefs of man, for upon the question of the resurrection is founded the doctrine of what is called Christianity, and I must say that that foundation as explained by the orthodox churches and the commentators on the Bible is a very weak foundation, and very vulnerable to the assaults of those who are not satisfied with the authority of the Bible or the explanations of its teachings as they now exist. Paul will finish this most important message, and let me impress upon you to make the effort to get in the best condition for receiving it correctly.

Well, I will not write more to-night, but only further say that I am with you in my love and influence, and trying to help you in the ways of which we have written you. With all my love and blessings, I will say good-night.

Your brother and friend,
