Jesus informs Eugene on his selected work with the Truths.

March 22nd, 1916.

Received by:James Padgett

Washington D.C.

I am here, Jesus.

I will give you the prayer very soon now, and you will receive with it a spiritual enlightenment of its meaning that will draw you very close to the Father and His Love.

(Refers now to Mr. Morgan.) Yes, I speak to him sometimes, and he hears my voice, and is not mistaken; but he must not think that all the impressions that he has are from the spirits, for such is not true. As he progresses in the development of clairaudience he will be able to distinguish between what comes to him from the spirits and what may arise in his own mind. He must not be discouraged or let doubt enter his soul, for his faith must be one of soul and not of mere mind.

I have selected him to do a work in reference to the spreading of my truths, and he must determine that his mission is one that will occupy his time during the balance of his earthly existence; and if he now draws back from this work he will lose a wonderful opportunity for helping mankind and for developing his own soul and fitting himself for a happy existence in the spirit world.

He has been favored as few mortals have been, or will be, and he must realize and appreciate that fact, for it is a fact, and only the Celestial spirits who are with me in this work know the importance of it.

I am his friend and brother, as I have told him, and he has my love and influence as few mortals have ever had, and this because I know that he is a true man and will not fail me in what I wish to accomplish. I know that many times it has been said and written by mediums that I have come and written to them, but such is not the truth, and it is only since I have determined that you shall receive my written messages of the truth, have I come in such close contact with you. Often have I tried to influence them with my love and thoughts, but not for long years have I come in such close rapport as to have them receive my written messages or hear my voice audibly, as your friend has heard it, and will hear it in the future.

Yes, I have chosen him just as positively, and with the certainty as I chose my disciples when on earth; and I expect that he will follow me as faithfully as they followed me. As time passes the conviction will grow stronger and stronger that he has been selected for my work; and there will come to him a knowledge and power which he does not now realize, and which it is impossible for him at this time to understand.

After you and he have gotten in the condition when you can let your thoughts of earthly necessities cease to trouble you, and become in that state of mind and soul that will enable you to turn all your thoughts and longings to the Father and the work that He desires you both to do, there will come to you such a blessing from the Holy Spirit that will prove to you that the Pentecost of the days of my disciples has again been given to man to bless and make him pure and powerful, and the wonder of his fellow mortals.

I, Jesus, tell you this with the authority and knowledge that have been given me by the Father, and no man can gainsay it. I have spoken, and you both must believe.

So, my dear brother and friend and disciple, I will stop, and in doing so, say that you and your friend have the love and blessings of him who never makes a mistake or misleads his disciples in the things of the soul.


Your brother and friend,
