John and Ann have spoken wisely, and with Divine Love, the light of your soul shall shine.

July 7th, 1917

Received by James Padgett.

Washington D.C.

I am here, your own true and loving Helen:

Well dear, I am glad that John and your grandmother wrote you as they have tonight for if you will meditate on what they said you will derive much benefit and realize that your troubles are natural not- withstanding the fact that you are embarrassed by certain material affairs that I know will soon disappear, and existed only on things of the past. I have been so anxious that you get out of the condition of despondency that has been yours for several days past and see only the real condition of your soul qualities. You must not worry about these things for while they are very depressing yet you will be relieved and the sun will shine again.

You and Nita will both be provided for and you must not worry.

I should like to write my letter tonight but you are not just in condition to receive it and when I write I want to do it successfully so that you may get as much happiness out of my love dictations as possible.

Keep up your courage and pray, this is the greatest source of help, for when you pray you bring to you the Father’s Love, which is the great thing that mortals not only require but which will make them happier than can anything else make them.

I love you with all my heart and soul and so want you to be happy and am doing everything possible to make you so.

So my own dear Ned, think of what I have said and believe.

Love me and know that no one in all the universe can love you as I do.

Goodnight and God bless you.

Your own true and loving,
