John writes on the experience of Divine Love.

April 15th, 1916

Received by James Padgett.

Washington D.C.

I am here, John:

I want to write a few lines on a subject that you will be interested in, and which will open your understanding to some truths that are not known to mortals; Tonight I see that you have a caller, and I will defer my writing until later, although I know that he also is interested in the subject, and it will be written as much for him as for you, so after you shall have received the message of the Master, I will come and write you. But this I must say now, both for your sake and that of your friend (Dr. Stone) and that is that you must both pray more to the Father and seek the faith that will bring you in unison with Him and His Love, you both have this Love to a considerable extent and you realize it, but what you now have cannot be compared to what will be yours, if you will only do as I say.

There is no other way to obtain the great inflowing of this Love, we can and do help you by our influence and association, but this Love is that which comes direct from the Father through the medium of the Holy Spirit, and no spirits no matter how high we may be in the Celestial Kingdom, and how great our development may be we cannot give you this Love, for it comes only from the Father.

But for your encouragement let me say, that we all pray for you and are always endeavoring to throw around you influences that will cause your souls to open up to the inflowing of this Love, if you could only realize what this means, you would see the great favor that you have and how your position is such that not seldom have the wicked or undesirable spirits had any opportunity to exercise their influences upon you.

So my dear brethren, think of what I have written, and let it sink deep into your souls and consciousness that there are surrounding you many spirits of the Celestial as well as of the higher spiritual heavens. I will not write more tonight, but with my love and blessing will say good night.

Your brother in Christ,
