John writes on the importance of Jesus’ Prayer.

February 6th, 1917

Received by:James Padgett

Washington D.C.

I am here, John:

I want to say a few words in reference to your conversation about the Prayer and the importance of thoroughly understanding it, and its spiritual significance and the wonderful truths that it contains.

I heard you say that when you first received it there was in its meaning all confusion, and that you did not understand that it would convey any great truths, or help very much those who should offer it to the Father. Well, I have no doubt but what you say is true, and there is a good reason for the same, and that is that it is so full of the declarations of wonderful truths and thoughts for soul aspirations that it was difficult, and almost impossible, for your mind or soul to grasp the same, and like every other truth that men do not understand, it does not at first reception appear to be a thing of truth that men can learn, and learning make their own.

But the truths of that prayer, when rightly analyzed, will appear sufficient to meet every necessity that men need or are in want of to bring them to a perfect at-onement with the Father and assure them of eternal salvation as His Divine children and the partakers of immortality.

Very soon I will come and give you a full explanation of the Prayer and its deep and vital truths, so that you may become real possessors of its full meaning. Tonight I do not think it best for me to write more, and in closing will say to you and your friends that you must not become discouraged in the work that you have before you, or in the work that you are now doing, for I, John, tell you that your labor is absolutely necessary to make our truths known to humanity, and there are no others of all the men of earth who have been selected for this work or can perform it, for none have the qualifications developed for the rapport which we have established.

So take what I say seriously, and do not let the importance of the work, or the thought that you are not suited to do the work, cause you to think that we have made a mistake in our selection, or that this power that has been given to you is a mere myth and without reality. The high spirits who are followers of and are led by the Master have, in following the Master’s desire, determined that you three shall be the ones to start the spread of these great truths amongst men, and leave behind you helpers who will carry on the work after you come over to receive the reward of your well-doing.

I am John, and I write with authority, and must be believed.

So with my love to you both, and the blessings of the Father, I will say goodnight.
