July 18th, 1915.
Received by James Padgett
Washington D.C.
Let me add my testimony also, and you will soon see that any doubt is more than foolishness.
I am St. Luke, the writer of the third gospel, as it is called; but here let me tell you that in that writing are things that I never wrote, and never believed to have any existence. I know that my gospel is considered one of the most authentic of the four, but in it as it is contained in the Bible are many errors – and impossible declarations of the truth as taught by the Master. You must eradicate the errors and retain the truths, and this you will be able to do when you have received the messages from the Master, and the epistles that we, the apostles and disciples, may write.
Your labor will not be an easy one, but you will be given strength and understanding and wisdom sufficient to make your work of showing the truth to mankind a correct and unimpeachable one. I will help you in this particular work with all my love and powers of depicting the true meaning of what may be written you, and will be with you continually when you get ready to compile these messages and other writings which will come to you from the Master and many others of us.
But in order to become perfect in this great work you must acquire abundant faith and a large degree of soul development. These qualifications are very necessary, because spiritual things conveyed must be spiritually received. This we all know now, and we tell it to you for you must know it too.
I must not write more now, and so will say goodnight.
Your brother and friend,
St. Luke sometimes called the Doctor and sometimes the learned disciple of the Master.