October 31st, 1915
Received by James Padgett
Washington D.C.
I am here, St. Luke.
I was with you at church and heard the sermon on the unpardonable sin, and was much interested in the way in which the preacher dealt with the subject. His discourse was very plausible, but it is not true. As Jesus has told you, there is no unpardonable sin, and all men in this life and in the life to come, have the opportunity to be saved from their sins and become at-one with the Father.
The great danger in such a sermon as the one preached to night is, that men who have not become believers in Jesus as the Savior of the world, and I mean the expression in the sense that we have explained it to you, will think that after they have arrived at a certain age and find their souls show no inclination or desire to seek the way to God’s Love or to a reconciliation with Him, they have committed the unpardonable sin, and hence there is no use for them to try to find the way to salvation. It is a damnable doctrine, and the preacher who announced it has incurred a dreadful and awful responsibility, for in the after life he will very likely meet spirits in a condition of darkness and stagnation of soul, who will tell him that because of his sermons they gave up all hope of salvation, and believe at the time they meet him just as they did on earth. And he, possibly, may see the errors of his wrong teachings: and then will come to him remorse and bitter recollections of these teachings and the great harm that they did to these darkened spirits.
When men get to know the truth, as they will when the Master shall have delivered through you his messages, they will not have to run the risk of becoming bound and shackled by such false beliefs as the one of which I speak. But before that time, with so many preachers and especially those so called evangelists who strive to force men into the erroneous beliefs which they teach through fear of eternal damnation, many men will have formed these beliefs and will suffer the consequences which these false doctrines entail.
I was sorry that someone could not have arisen in the church and resented his doctrine of the unpardonable sin, and told all the people that there is no such thing, but that the Father’s Love is waiting for every one who may seek it, in great abundance and freely to be given, and that if men will only come to the Father in prayer and belief, that Love will be given them, and salvation and immortality will be theirs.
The age of a man has nothing to do with his salvation; it is for the old as well as for the young, and no idea or suggestion of any unpardonable sin must be interposed to prevent any man from believing that the Great Love of the Father is waiting for him.
So you see, with some truths preached by these orthodox ministers there is a great deal of error, and the effect of the latter is to prevent or undo any good which the truth may have otherwise been bestowed upon men.
Well these great errors have been preached and worked their injury for many centuries now, and men will be hard to convince that they are not the true doctrines of Jesus, and that the claimed truths which they teach are not the only truths.
I will not write more tonight.
I will say with my love and blessings,
I am,
Your brother in Christ,
St. Luke