Mrs. Wilson writes on the war of the day.

February 8th, 1917

Received by:James Padgett

Washington D.C.

I am here, Mrs. Wilson.

I will write only a line or two. I am not known to you, but I am very desirous to write, as I am so much interested in what is now taking place in our country in connection with foreign countries; and one in whom I am very much interested is suffering the burdens that are now resting upon him. I am with him a great deal, and try to influence him in his thoughts and dealings with the great problems that are now before him to deal with, and sometimes I fear he may succumb to the heavy burdens. He has around him, also, other spirits who are much interested in the country’s welfare, and they are the spirits of men who, when on earth, were statesmen and rulers of our country, and interested in directing its fortunes. I will not name them, only to say that from Jefferson down to McKinley they are with him who now occupies the President’s chair.

This war is a serious one to not only the people of Europe, but also to those of America; for as I see, and these other spirits say, it is impossible for our country to keep out of it. The Germans so desire – and they are doing everything to bring about – the participation of the United States in the conflict; and the result will be that the U.S. will suffer much more than its statesmen and finances contemplate.

I wish I could bring to the President in clear and undoubted effect the advice that these spirits would like to have him understand; but this power to communicate is limited to the impressions that they may make upon him by the exercise of the very imperfect rapport of their minds with his, without the proper or necessary medium. If he could only have you with him to receive the advice that these spirits so earnestly desire to give him, it would help him so much. We have been trying to create a way by which this might be brought about, but it seems to be almost impossible.

But so far as I can see the future, he will bring the country to a sound ending, although much trouble and unhappiness will be suffered, and he may not be able to endure the strain.

I wish that I could write longer tonight, but my rapport is leaving me, and I must stop. But notwithstanding what has taken place – which only I know – I still love him, for he is mine, and someday he will realize that fact.

I will now close. Thanking you for your kindness, I am

Your new friend,

Mrs. Wilson