June 16th, 1917
Received by:James Padgett.
Washington D.C.
I am here, mother of Leslie:
Let me write a line, as I am anxious to contribute my encouragement to what John has said, and I know that what he told you as to the powers that are working in this matter is all true.
While we do not pay much attention to time, yet in the present case time is essential, and every day is important in the furtherance of the work, and we know this to a greater extent than you possibly can. Do the best and the most that you can, until the time comes for you to have the surroundings that are so desirable to make the work easier of performance.
You have the love of many high spirits and their powers are not to be underestimated.
You may think it strange that I write in this way, but you must understand that while I am not of those who inhabit the high Celestial Heavens, yet I am interested in the work, for I know what it means. The truths to be conveyed to you have saved me from the slow progression of the soul without the Divine Love, and have also lifted my boy from the darkness of ignorance and false beliefs into the knowledge of the truth and the salvation of his soul; and what they have done for him they will do for all mortals who receive the light and pray for the Love. And you can see that this Love is so great and of such a nature that we who have it to a degree want everyone of our brother mortals to know the way to obtain it.
So do not think that I, just because I am of little importance among the high spirits of the Celestial Heavens, may not help a little for I can and am endeavoring to do so.
Tell my boy that his mother loves him with all her heart and soul, and is praying for him, and that she knows, as regards his prayers, it does not depend upon the help of spirits to bring a response, for the Father answers directly and sends His Holy Spirit to bring to him the response. Oh, how I love the Father, and how His Love makes me happy and gives me a peace that only He can confer.
We are all present tonight with our love and influence and prayers.
I must not write more now. So believe that I am a spirit who loves her boy with a true love that no earthly mother can know. Good night.
Your sister in Christ,
Mrs. Stone