On the Second Coming of Jesus.

December 29th, 1916

Received by:James Padgett.

Washington D.C.

I am here, John:

Let me write a line.

I was with you tonight and heard the sermon of the preacher on the second coming of Jesus, and by it you were convinced of the continued revelation of the truths that you are receiving. How very much mistaken this preacher is in his beliefs, and how disappointed he will be when he comes to not only realize the truths, but also the knowledge that while living on earth Jesus had already come the second time, and that he, the preacher, might have had the benefit of that coming if he had not permitted his orthodox beliefs to prevent the truth from entering his mind and soul.

Well, I would like tonight to write on this subject, but I do not consider it advisable to do so. I promised you a short time ago that I would write on the subject in detail, and so I will very soon, if I can make the proper rapport.

Your condition is much better than it has been for some time, and if you will continue to pray and let your longings go to the Father as you have done today, you will soon be in that condition that will enable us to make the rapport so that we can communicate our deep spiritual truths. Try with all your determination and effort to get in this condition and you will not fail.

There are other messages, as you know, that I desire to write and their delivery depends only on you. I will not write more now.

With my love and prayers, I will say goodnight.

Your brother in Christ,
