Riddle becomes elated having seen the Master.

December 2nd, 1915

Received by:James Padgett.

Washington D.C.

I know it is late, but, yet, I must say that what has been told you is true, and when we speak of the glory of the Master you cannot conceive of what is meant. In your mind think of the dim flame of the candle and the glory of the noonday sun and then compare the glory of the greatest thing in all the earth with this glory of the Master, and you will see side by side the dim candle and the glorious sun.

We all know what the Divine Love of the Father is, but do not appreciate its greatness or wonder, until we occasionally see it displayed in and by Jesus.

Go to your prayers in the full belief that this Great Divine Love has been present to-night in amazing abundance, and that you both have had its influence around and in you to a degree, that will cause you to feel to some extent, the great peace that comes only to the children of light and at-onement with the Father.

Believe that your experience of this night is true and that it may be yours frequently when your souls are attuned to the inflowing of the love.

I must say good-night, and God bless you with all His influence Divine.

I am your brother in Christ,

A. G. Riddle