October 6th, 1915
Received by:James Padgett
Washington D.C.
I am here, your old partner, A. G. Riddle:
I have listened to-night to the conversation between you and your friend (Dr. Stone), and I must say that you two have reasonably correct ideas of the spiritual truths as we know them in the spirit world.
You must continue your investigations together for an exchange of thoughts is a very wonderful belief to acquire accurate and correct ideas of the truths of things. I mean things that pertain to the spirit world.
I will not write long tonight, but very soon I will come and write you a long letter that will show you some things that you do not now know. But before I stop I want to say that Perry is now in a somewhat better condition. His interview with Ingersoll had a wonderful effect upon him for as on earth Ingersoll was filled with the enthusiasm of his new belief and was just as forcible and eloquent as when on earth. What a wonderful thing this Divine Love is. I can only say that there is nothing in all God’s universe that can compare with it.
I am still in this fifth sphere, but hope to work in the seventh sphere where your father is.
So I must stop now.
Your old partner,
A. G. Riddle