August 13th, 1915
Received by:James Padgett
Washington D.C.
I am here, Saul, the Jewish King.
Yes, I was here once before and wrote you.
I am now an Angel of God and an inhabitant of His Celestial Heavens.
I merely want to say that you are doing a good work in helping the unfortunate spirits, and I tell you that your influence with them seems astonishing. Why this is so I don’t know, unless they feel that you are nearer to them by reason of being in the flesh, and more interested in them than are the spirits of a higher sphere who come to them sometimes and try to help them.
Well, you must keep up this good work, for it is a good work, as you are helping the Master more than you realize; and your reward, when you come over, will be the gratitude of many of these darkened spirits.
I don’t work very often in the earth plane, as my work is among the spirits of the higher spiritual heavens; but occasionally I am sent to earth and try to help mortals as well as spirits.
But since I have first written you, I feel much interested in your work and in the great powers that are behind you. As you know, the greatest spirit of all is Jesus, and he is more interested in having you do his work than you can conceive of. We are all interested in his cause and feel that whenever we can come to you and encourage you, or in any other way help you, it is our delight to do so.
I must not write more now.
Call me Brother Saul, for we are brothers in Christ. Well, as you are not of my time when on earth, I cannot say how you would have been treated had you done the same work then. But I suppose that you would have been called a witch, as was that good woman of Endor in her time.
Thank God the people are more enlightened now, and will soon recognize the fact that a good medium is one of the greatest gifts of God to suffering humanity. The time will come when mediums will be looked upon as were the prophets of old by the Jewish people, but without having the ingratitude of the people visited upon them, as it was visited at times on these old prophets.
I must stop. So, good-night.
Your brother,