Selim is not with Divine Love and is curious to learn of the New-Birth.

August 20th, 1915

Received by:James Padgett

Washington D.C.

I am here, Selim:

I was the first Mohammedan Sultan of that name, and I want to write you for a while, if you don’t object.

I have listened to what Paul wrote and some things that he said I do not understand. I mean the difference between the spirit who receives what he calls the New Birth, and the spirit who has only his natural love.

I know that I have a love for God and a love for my fellow man, and that I am very happy and do not desire greater happiness, and have surroundings that I cannot conceive can be excelled in their beauty and desirability.

I know nothing of the other love, and fail to comprehend how there can be any other love than the one which God has given us. This love, in varying degrees we all have, and according as we possess it and have become freed from the sins and errors of life, I mean the earth life, are we happy.

Our Prophet, may Allah bless him, never taught us of any other love than the one I speak of, and I don’t believe he knows of any other love.

But, I confess that my curiosity is excited to learn just what Paul means by his doctrine of the New Birth, and I shall make the effort to find out. Of course, I will have to have something more than his mere statement, or even the statement of all the Christians, to cause me to believe in the reality of this doctrine; but I feel that there may be some truth in it, and, if so, I want to learn it.

I will not write more tonight but will, with your permission, do so later.

I will say good night and God bless you.
