September 12th, 1916
Received by James Padgett.
Washington D.C.
I am here, Cornelius:
I will write only a few lines so that I may get in rapport with you and later write you at more length, if agreeable to you.
I was the Centurion of the Bible who was the first Gentile Christian.
I have listened tonight to your reading of the messages and besides me many other spirits heard what you read, and all were interested, and some of them will no doubt derive some comfort, for these messages disclosed to some of the dark ones that there is hope for them and that there is a way by which they may find relief from their sufferings.
I have just recently heard of your work and have come to add my little mite to the truths which you are receiving, and hope that I may succeed in helping the cause of truth. I am in the Celestial Spheres, and, of course, have the Divine Love in my soul and know that I am a redeemed son of the Father.
I must not write more now, and with my love, say goodnight.
Your brother in Christ,