December 22nd, 1915.
Received by James Padgett.
Washington D.C.
I am here, Judge Syrick:
Well Padgett, I heard what your wife said, and I would like to tell you what her appearance is, but I have not words to describe it.
She is a beauty that you have never had the faintest conception or, notwithstanding what has been written you, and your vision also. But I tell you this, that she has a form of the greatest perfection, and countenance, which you have never seen the shadow of on earth, and hence; I can’t give you any idea of it.
But her garments are all shining white, with a brilliancy that dazzles us, who look upon her, and her face – oh, what a beautiful face!
I want soon to come and write you a long letter. So I will say with my best wishes.
Your friend,
Frank D. Syrick