March 29th, 1915.
Received by James Padgett.
Washington D.C.
I am here, Syrick:
Let me say a word, I am your late friend and brother in spiritualism. Yes, I am able to write some and your wife told me to try as she wishes me to get stronger and realize that I am living as a spirit.
Well, I am here and alive and have my Rose with me. She is so very beautiful and loving and I am very happy to be with her, but I have already learned that I am not suited to live with her for she is so much higher in her spiritual development than I am, but she tells me that I can progress and I am going to try with all my might.
Well, old friend, the uncertain has become certain and I know now that spirits can and do communicate with mortals. Do not let any doubts that you may have leave you and believe with all your heart that you have received the messages from your band and others as you have been informed.
I can tell you this, that you have as your wife and soulmate the most beautiful of all the spirits that I have yet seen. I had no conception of what beauty was until I came here and saw your wife and Rose and Dr. Stone’s Mary, she is very beautiful also and loves him, I know, with a very deep love.
As this is my first attempt I am tired and must stop.
Well, I know no one whom I would rather that it should belong to than you, so keep it and think of me sometimes.
So with my kindest regards and best wishes, I am
your true friend,
Frank D. Syrick.