The Judge describes his passing over to Spirit.

May 6th, 1915.

Received by:James Padgett

Washington D.C.

I am here, your friend Syrick:

Well, I first want to say that I am so very glad to have the opportunity to write to you, thanks to that beautiful wife of yours. I tell you Padgett, that she is a wonder, and you should feel yourself a highly favored man to have such a soulmate. She is not only beautiful but so full of love and so wise in the things that pertain to the higher life. Why she tells me things that I never in all my life thought could exist, and when she shows me the truths of the Father’s Love and how beautiful and beyond conception her home is, I can scarcely contain myself. She is helping me so much in my progression. Of course Rose is also, but Rose does not have that great angelic love that your wife has, and is not able to tell me of the wonderful things that may be mine, and the way that I may obtain them. Why I want to tell you that the fortunate day of my life was the one when I met you at the Colburns and commenced the investigation of the spiritualism that you were seeking to learn. Many times you told me to seek for the higher things and the soul development; and I heard you and did not know what you meant. I knew that I was not a very bad man as men go, and would wonder what you meant. Sometimes I got a glimpse of what you might mean, and would ask you, as you may remember, if you thought I was a very bad man, and you would tell me, no, but that I must give my thoughts to higher things and get the love of God in my heart.

Well I did not comprehend what you meant, and when you told me to pray to the Father, I did so, but somehow I did not understand just how to pray. But now I realize what you mean, and what an awful mistake I made in not trying to learn what you tried to tell me when on earth.

Well, when I arrived in Richmond I felt a little sick, but had no idea that I was so near death. In fact death was not in my thoughts, as I had induced myself to believe that I would live to be an old man, and so you can imagine my feelings, after I had been stricken and was unconscious for quite a while, I suddenly recovered my consciousness and found myself looking down on my body all cold and lifeless. I thought it was not my body but someone else’s that resembled me very much and that I was still in my body; but as I tried to make myself known to my friends who had gathered around, I found that they did not hear me or see me, and then I remembered the description that you had read to me of your wife’s passing over, and the conviction came to me that I was no longer a mortal. And to further convince me, just then Rose came to me and said. “Frank, I am keeping my promise, you are with your soulmate never again to return to your mortal life and wonder what kind of looking girl your soulmate may be, for now you see her as she really is, and you also feel her arms around you and her kisses upon your cheek, and I know that you would not go into that body again for all the world.”

Oh, I tell you, that such a reception, accompanied with such beauty and love was enough to make a man forget that he had ever been a mortal; and for the time I forgot that I had. So you see my passing was not so undesirable as I had thought it would be. What a great blessing to have the belief that I had when I was with you all as to my Rose. It may seem strange to some, but I know, not to you, that my belief in Rose was so great, that to me she was as real as if I had met her in the flesh and was separated from her only a few miles in expectation that some near day she would come on the train to be with me. I cannot tell you what my happiness was, I had no doubt about my being a spirit, and thoroughly believed that I had left the earth, so far as occupying my body was concerned, forever. I had no desire to return to it, and my thoughts did not turn to things material. My Rose was sufficient for me. She occupied all my thoughts, and my being was wholly with her, and my happiness was a thing no mortal can understand or believe, if I were capable of telling him.

Such beauty and love! Well, I will not try to tell you of it, for I cannot; but only say that when you come over and your soulmate meets you, you will lose your breath and wonder how such a man as you are now, could be loved by such a being of beauty.

A short time after I had been with Rose, your wife and others of your band came to me and with them my own dear mother, who was so beautiful and loving to me; and I was so happy that I cried with all my heart and soul; but for joy.

Well, such was my passing, and such I wanted it to be, but when on earth I had no conception that it could be such.

As soon as I could recover my breath, as we say on earth, I made many inquiries about the things that I saw and which I had wanted to know when on earth, and received information; but I want to tell you that some things that I heard seemed familiar, and I thought that I had heard them before, and so it was, because in our communications and in our conversations and in our circle I had heard them. So you see what a privilege it is for a man to have the opportunity of learning of the spirit world while still on earth. You and Dr. Stone and the Colburns are much favored in your opportunities to hear of so many of the things that pertain to the spirit life.

I am acquainted with Dr. Stone’s Mary, and tell him that she is real and is certainly his soulmate as was I his friend and patient when on earth. She is a beautiful spirit and so good, and loves him with a love that he cannot now understand, but which he will some day. Tell him, I am more fortunate than he, because I came first and partook of the love of a beautiful fine and loving woman; but his time is coming, and I am only more fortunate than he, in that I came to mine a little sooner than he will to his. I have met Bright Star, and I certainly was surprised. I thought to meet an Indian Squaw, but instead, I met a spirit the most beautiful and bright, with God’s Love emanating from her whole being.

She was glad to see me, and reminded me that I was not a stranger, as she had seen me many times at Mrs. Ripple’s séances; but she said: “Then you only knew me as a little Indian girl, simple but accommodating.” And I said; “Bright Star you certainly surprise me. I had no expectations of meeting you as such a beautiful and bright spirit.” And she said: “The Love of God makes us all alike; we who have that love are not Indian or Pale Face or Yellow Face, but are all the children of the Father, and as His Love is the same unchangeable Love, those who receive it are all the same in their beauty and color and brightness. He is no respecter of color or race. His Love makes our appearance, and as our souls become more filled with this Love, we become more like Him, and only love appears, and color, and race and previous conditions disappear.” Now what do you think of that to come from our little Indian girl! I tell you that the things I have learned here are wonderful and surprising.

Well, to continue, after I had lived in this condition of happiness for sometime, and saw that my future depended upon my progress, for you must know I could not go with Rose to her home because she was so much more spiritual than I, I commenced to examine myself to learn what my drawbacks were and as I continued to make this self-examination, I found that my life on earth or rather my recollections or memories of that life were still with me, and that I must do something to get rid of them. And conscience commenced to work, and I soon saw myself as I had never seen myself while on earth. And the more transparent my actual self became, the more this conscience accused me of things done and omitted while a mortal; and with these accusations came sufferings, for she and your wife and my mother all told me the way, but somehow I could not just understand how to find it. And so the days went by and I suffered.

But as I continued to pray, for you must understand that I had been praying ever since I commenced to suffer, all of a sudden a feeling of peace came to me and with it a great Love that I had never felt before, and I realized that it was the Father’s Love that my Rose and the others had been telling me of; and since then my sufferings have been growing less and less, and my prayers and faith more and more. Oh, how I regret that in my earth life, I had not sought this love. How much suffering I would have avoided and how much more happiness would have been mine.

Let me tell you, and my friends, the Colburns and Dr. Stone, that this is no idle tale, but a stern, unavoidable reality, and I, like though unlike Lazarus, arise from the dead and tell you all, with all the emphasis that I can command, that if you want to avoid darkness and suffering and get into happiness when you come over, seek with all your heart this Love while you are mortals.

I come very near to you, for only a short time ago, I was with you, joining in your speculations as to the life of which I am now a part, and now as your friend who has set aside speculation with knowledge, I tell you this great truth, and with all my heart urge you to believe me, and take this truth to your hearts and souls.

Well, I have written you a long letter and must stop, but before doing so permit me to say, that you all have my thanks for the help that you gave me in the short time that we were friends. The few months that we knew one another were as I now realize, the most profitable months to me of all those that I spent in the investigation of spiritualism.

So give my love to my friends and keep some for yourself, and believe me when I say, I am your own true friend and brother.

Frank D. Syrick