October 10th, 1915
Received by James Padgett.
Washington D.C.
I am here, Prof. Salyards:
I heard your inquiries of your wife, and I was pleased that you expressed the desire to hear from me again as I most assuredly want to write to you.
Since I wrote you last I have been living in the Seventh Sphere with my soulmate, and in close proximity to your father, and have been very happy in the love which I now enjoy.
I have seen so much of the effect of this Divine Love upon the souls of spirits who come into the possession of it, that I wonder more and more at the fact of its great power to make pure and truthful, souls who were in such darkness and torment. I have seen some very surprising conversions of souls steeped in sin and error, in souls with their sins last leaving them and happiness and Love coming to them in wonderful inflowing.
Since I have been in the seventh sphere I have paid very little attention to things about which I wrote you when in the beginning of my soul development, because with me now the soul and its divine possibilities are the things that absorb my attention and efforts.
I am sorry that I cannot continue my writings on certain phases of the laws of the spirit world, but for the reasons stated I cannot as only this Great Love and the work of helping men and spirits to obtain this Divine Love and to become children of the Father, are possessing me and occupying all my time and attention. So you must not feel disappointed that I do not continue the writings that I speak of.
I can tell you about the seventh sphere and the life and inhabitants there and the wonderful happiness which we all enjoy.
Our homes have been described to you by your grandmother and your wife and I cannot add to their descriptions, only to say that they do not tell half of the beauty and grandeur of these homes and of the joy of the inhabitants. I am in a home of that kind now and am with my soulmate and we are very happy. I do not know at this time of anything more to write about.
Well, you are not complimentary but you are right.
I seem to have lost my desire for investigating and writing about these things that I first wrote to you about, and I have not yet prepared myself to write of these higher things.
So I will stop tonight.
Your old friend and Prof.,
Joseph H. Salyards