July 18th, 1915.
Received by James Padgett
Washington D.C.
I am here, St. Stephen.
I am the martyr, and I came to you to tell you that you must believe in us as spirits who once lived on earth and taught the truths of Jesus to men, and who were followers of him and lovers of the Father, and are now inhabitants of His kingdom and immortal.
I died the death portrayed in the Bible and Saul who was my most pernicious persecutor is the same person who afterwards became Paul the Christian. I merely state this fact to identify myself with you, and to show you that I am the same spirit who once died for the faith. So while I am now a happy spirit and an inhabitant of the Heavenly Kingdom, yet once I was a mortal engaged in teaching the truths of the Master, and suffered the pains and torments which such teachings and such faith brought to many of Jesus’ disciples.
But those times are past, and now these truths may be preached and there is none to make afraid; yet opposition will come from the churches and the ecclesiastical brethren who are bound by their beliefs in the creeds of the churches.
But, nevertheless, the truths must be taught, and the Master has chosen you to receive them so that they will be given to the world, and while your task is a glorious one, yet you will find much responsibility and antagonism, and maybe persecution in your private life, because of such teachings. But be firm and stick to these truths, and in the end they will prevail, and mankind will be benefitted and will turn to the Love of the Father and pursue the way that the Master will show.
So let not your courage falter or your efforts cease, and you will find a recompense not only in the spirit world but in the world of mortals as well.
I will be one of your band that St. Peter spoke of, and you will find that your power for good will develop wonderfully and in a way that will make the world take heed to the truths that you shall transmit. You are the chosen one and have with you the powers of the Celestial Kingdom, and the world will not prevail against you or your efforts to show mankind the way to salvation.
So put your trust in the Master and in the Father’s Love and you will not be forsaken.
I will come to you again and give you some truths of the Father’s kingdom that will show the real truths of God’s will.
My teachings will be supplemented to those of the Master and in unison with them.
So I must stop now.
I am your brother and friend.
St. Stephen the martyr