When you are at your weakest, then you are strongest.

October 31st, 1916

Received by James Padgett

Washington D.C.

When you are weakest, then are you strongest, because then you rely more on the power and help of the Father. Such has been your condition tonight, and I want to tell you that you have received a wonderful amount of the Father’s Love, and the love of the Master. This I tell you because I know from what I actually have seen. So you should not let your worries trouble you so much. Try to think more of the promises of the Master and of the Love of the Father, and you will realize that help is very near you.

We are all here tonight because we are interested in you and want to see you happy, and you should be so; and if you could only know the love that surrounds you, you would cease to worry so much.

The Master has told you that your worries will leave you soon and you must believe him, for it is true.

I know this, and I can only corroborate what he says, so that you must not continue to let these temporary troubles keep you in such a condition of gloom and despondency.

I will not write more tonight.

Your brother in Christ,

James the Apostle