White Eagle gives James a true Spirit healing.

February 15th, 1915.

Received by James Padgett.

Washington D.C.

I am here, White Eagle:

You are much better. The Master helped you very much last night. I manipulated you as he directed, and your digestive organs are now doing their work. Your prayer to the Father was answered. He heard you as Jesus told you he would if you would pray in faith. You had the faith and the cure came. So it is with everything in life, only pray and believe and you will receive the answer. You are certainly blessed, and I wonder as do all of us, at your faith; but thank God, you are the one that the Master has selected, and you will be in condition soon to do his work as he desires.

Yes, you are right, He is the only one that can help you in time of trouble. Only continue in your faith and you will realize that he is your Father and your helper. Jesus says; that your faith is wonderful, and that you will be able to do many things that will help mankind. Only be true to him and you will never be forsaken.

No, you need not use any more medicine now, the work is done, and medicine is no more necessary.

Well, he (Dr Stone) may help you some in starting your various muscles and nerves to get into activity, but even his treatment is not necessary now. When God heals He heals effectively, and no other help is needed.

You are commencing to get that Great Love in your soul now, and soon you will be filled, and then your happiness will be complete, that is it will be of such a character, that the worries of life will not make you unhappy.

Yes, he (Jesus) was present and he directed my movements. He is the all powerful one. His knowledge is without limit, and he is so full of love, that when he tries to impress you, you cannot resist the influence of that love. So be more prayerful and you will become possessed of that Love to a degree that will make you love all mankind as well as God. Well, I am telling you what the Master tells us, and he knows. You had better not eat promiscuously yet, give the digestive organs a chance to get back their full strength.

So good night.

White Eagle