Writes a short message.

February 15th, 1916

Received by James Padgett

Washington D.C.

I am Saint Clement the Pope:

I merely want to say that I am glad to be able to testify as to the work that you have been selected to do, and as to the fact that Jesus and many of the high spirits write to you.

I know that my testimony is not necessary in order to convince you of these facts, but there may be some who will more readily believe when they know that a Pope of the Roman Catholic church gave his testimony to these facts. I am now an inhabitant of the Celestial Spheres, and am happy beyond description. But, as I have told you, I was compelled to undergo great sufferings before I was relieved of my recollections of the evil that I had done on earth.

But I will write you more in detail later, and hope that I may have the opportunity.

So, wishing you success and happiness, I am

Your brother in Christ,

St. Clement